
mardi 4 juillet 2017

Chrome Download Unblocker - Tool For Quickly Disabling File Download Blocking In Google Chrome

Chrome Download Unblocker - Tool For Quickly Disabling File Download Blocking In Google Chrome Chrome Download Unblocker - Tool For Quickly Disabling File Download Blocking In Google Chrome
Chrome Download Unblocker (formerly known as Chrome Malware Alert Blocker) is a freeware that allows you to instantly disable blocking of file downloads in Google Chrome browser.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 10.


First, download ChromeDownloadUnblocker.zip onto your computer (Download link is at the end of this article).

Then, extract the .zip file, then run "ChromeDownloadUnblocker.exe". You will see a window as shown below.

Chrome Download Unblocker Snapshot

Now, click on the "Unblock Downloads" button. A dialog box will appear:

Chrome Download Unblocker Dialog box

You should now be able to download any file using Google Chrome.

If it is not working, then clear the browsing data, and then exit Chrome, and try again.

lundi 3 juillet 2017

How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World (Documentary Film)

How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World is a documentary film from BBC Storyville. The film follows the history of Anonymous hacker group through interviews with members, writers, and technologists.

Anonymous Quote:

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Watch the full movie (subtitles not included): 


If you want to get more details about this documentary, visit IMDb -- you can get the summary, user reviews, and every single detail about the film.

What do you think? Are they really changing the world? Let us know in the comment section below.

dimanche 25 juin 2017

Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8 : vous recevez des notifications publicitaires ? Voilà comment les désactiver

Des propriétaires de Galaxy S8 se sont plaints sur Reddit qu’une application Samsung leur envoie des notifications publicitaires pour des jeux. Si vous êtes dans le même cas, rassurez-vous, la solution est toute simple.
Samsung Galaxy S8 : vous recevez des notifications publicitaires ? Voilà comment les désactiver
Avoir des publicités en push quand on a dépensé plus de 800 euros dans un smartphone a de quoi énerver (même quand on dépense moins d’ailleurs). C’est pourtant ce qu’a fait Samsung aux propriétaires de Galaxy S8, d’après les plaintes formulées par plusieurs utilisateurs sur le forum Reddit.
Ces derniers expliquent en effet qu’au cours des deux dernières semaines, Samsung a commencé à leur envoyer des publicités pour des jeux sous forme de notifications via son application Game Optimizing Service. Celle-ci est supposée améliorer les performances du téléphone lors de parties de jeux vidéo tout en réduisant la consommation d’énergie, mais ce ne sont visiblement pas ses seules prérogatives.

Comment désactiver les publicités

Heureusement, il est possible de désactiver l’envoi des réclames. La manœuvre est très simple, à condition de savoir comment faire. Car il s’agit en réalité d’une option activée par défaut, il suffit donc de décocher la case adéquate. Seulement, celle-ci ne se trouve pas dans Game Optimizing Service, mais dans une autre application de Samsung : Game Launcher. C’est là toute la subtilité.
Ainsi, il suffit de :
  • Lancer l’application Game Launcher
  • Se rendre dans les paramètres
  • Décocher la case « Informations commerciales »
Attention, il y a encore une subtilité (autrement, cela aurait été trop simple…). Certains utilisateurs ne voient pas l’application Game Launcher dans leur téléphone. Pour la faire apparaître, il faut :
  • Se rendre dans les paramètres de l’appareil
  • Puis dans « Fonctionnalités avancées »
  • Et enfin dans « Jeux ». Vous pourrez alors l’activer

jeudi 22 juin 2017

Fing - Network Tools (Android App)

Fing - Network Tools (Android App)

Fing Android
Fing is a simple android tool for network analysis. It can help you to, discover devices connected to the WiFi network, switch on a device from your mobile/tablet, perform traceroute and some network operations.

Even though the app is very user-friendly, today I'm going to show you how to use Fing app for analyzing a network.

Here is how to use Fing:

1. Download and Install Fing.

Note: Download Links are at the end of this article.

2. Run it. You will see a window as shown below.

Fing Network Status

3. Tap on a device, a screen containing functionalities such as Ping, Log, Traceroute and Wake on LAN, will appear:

Fing Device

Note: The "Log" function is only available to the registered users.
  • The "Scan Services" function allows you to discover services running on the device.
  • Ping is used to test the reachability of the device.
  • Traceroute module allows you to record the route between your device and the target machine. It also calculates the amount of time each hop took.
  • Wake on LAN allows you to send a network message that can turn on or wake a particular device.  
For more tools, simply tap on the Gear icon. You will see a screen like this:

Discover any IP Network: It allows you to discover an external IP network.

Scan TCP services: TCP service scan on a custom target.

Ping: Perform ping queries on a custom target host.

Traceroute: Trace route to a custom target host.

Lookup DNS: Direct/reverse domain name server lookup.

TCP connection Tester: Test TCP connection on custom host.

Download Links

Last Words

I hope you enjoyed the short article. If you have any doubts, let me know as a comment below.


10 Best Free Proxy/VPN Apps For Android

10 Best Free Proxy/VPN Apps For Android

Best Free Proxy/VPN Apps

Today you are going to see 10 best proxy/VPN apps for android:

Before diving into the list, tell me what is a proxy? If you don't know, no need to worry, I will tell you what it is (Trust me, no boring stuff here).

A proxy is actually another device/computer that acts as an intermediary between your device and the rest of the internet. If your computer is connected to a proxy server, your requests to access any server on the internet will be processed by the proxy server. That means there will be no direct connection between your computer and the service/website you are accessing.

If you still don't get the concept, let me tell you a real life example:

Assume, you are not allowed to visit a particular country, let's say "France", and you want to go there and grab some things. What do you do? You probably assign another person who has no restriction to visit France to grab those things for you, right? That person is actually doing the same work of a proxy server.

Got it? I hope you did.

Update: I have also included best proxy apps for iPhone, Windows, and Chrome in this article. You can use the below links to go there:
Now, let's dive into the list.

Note: This list is completely based on the quality of service, bandwidth, and play store ratings. All the apps in this list can work without root access.

Totally Free VPN Infographic

Totally Free VPN is a very good proxy app that allows you to use a lot of high-speed proxy servers. I put this app on this list because I found a special feature in it, that is, almost all of the listed proxy servers are actually working very well!


Totally Free VPN Screenshots

Download Totally Free VPN (Google Play Store Link)

CyberGhost - Free VPN & Proxy Infographic

As you all know, CyberGhost is one of the best proxy/VPN providers in the world. This application provides you a free service of their best VPN. Since it is a free version of CyberGhost's VPN service, it has some limitations. But don't worry, you can use this free app as long as you want. In this free app, you cannot select virtual locations.

The connection is always encrypted, that means, you don't have to worry about any interception.

CyberGhost Screenshots

Download CyberGhost - Free VPN & Proxy (Google Play Store Link)

Hotspot Shield Free Infographic

Hotspot Shield Free is a very useful tool that allows you to encrypt your communications and protect your privacy. It can also be used to circumvent internet censorship. This app is completely free, you can use it as long as you want. The only problem is you cannot select virtual locations.

It also allows you to add applications that you want to operate through the proxy.

Hotspot Shield Free Screenshots
Download Hotspot Shield Free (Google Play Store Link)

Cloud VPN Infographic

Cloud VPN is a simple app that allows you to bypass internet censorship in just one tap. It is completely free but it only have four server locations (France, Canada, United States and the United Kingdom).
Cloud VPN Screenshots

Download Cloud VPN (Google Play Store Link)

Free VPN by Hexatech Infographic

You should see the interface of this app, it is simple as hell. And it provides a pretty good VPN service. The only problem is, you guessed it, you cannot select virtual locations.

Free VPN by Hexatech Screenshots
Download Free VPN by Hexatech (Google Play Store Link)

Zenmate Security & Privacy VPN Infographic

Zenmate is a very good tool to protect your privacy from prying eyes. In order to use this application, you have to create an account (free account is available). In the free version, you will get only four server locations (Hong Kong, Romania, Germany and United States). 

Zenmate Security & Privacy VPN Screenshots

Download Zenmate Security & Privacy VPN (Google Play Store Link)

Silver Free VPN Infographic

Silver VPN is a simple app that allows you to use 12 different high-speed proxy/VPN servers. At the time of writing this article, two servers (Tokyo and US) are not responding well.

Silver Free VPN Screenshots
Download Silver Free VPN (Google Play Store Link)

Dot VPN Infographic

Dot VPN is not completely free, if you need features like strong encryption and unlimited speed, you can upgrade it. The free account is more than enough for a common user. If you want to experience the upgraded Dot VPN service,  you can sign up for a 7-day free trial.

Dot VPN Screenshots
Download Dot VPN (Google Play Store Link)

VPN Protect your Privacy Infographic

It has a lot of free proxy servers that you can use to protect your privacy. This app is completely free and it works very well. Compared to other proxy/VPN services on this list, this app is little bit slow. Normally, you won't notice the speed difference, but if you really want to know the difference, do a speed test.

VPN Protect your Privacy Screenshots

Download VPN Protect your Privacy (Google Play Store Link)

VPN Easy Infographic

VPN easy provides 18 different server locations for free of charge. As you can see in the below image, it's user interface is similar to Hotspot shield. At the time of testing, three servers were not working properly.

VPN Easy Screenshots
Download VPN Easy (Google Play Store Link)

Best Proxy Apps For iPhone Users:

Best Proxy Apps For Windows PC:

If you want more proxy applications for PC, read "14 Best IP Hide Tools 2015/2016".

Best Proxy Apps For Chrome:

Best Proxy Apps For Windows Phone:

That's it. I hope you liked the list. If you did, feel free to share this article to your friends and followers.

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